HR IssuesApr 16

A prospective employer is asking to see my previous employment contracts.

They want to verify my employment records because the employment verification letter provided by my current head of HR wasn’t “clear” enough. The contract, however, is supposed to be strictly confidential to my knowledge. I already expressed my hesitance at this request, that such employment contract is subject to an NDA. To that, the company said it shouldn’t be a problem since they just want to review my credentials for the sake of internal processes. They even seemed to put pressure on me to provide them with the document so that I can start the onboarding process. Is this a fair request from the company?

hope4ai Apr 16

No. Tell the new employer that you are contractually obligated to not share materials from your prior employer.

MuPW78 OP Apr 16

Thanks, I’m moving onto my first FT job opportunity from an internship, and really needed these such guidance haha.

Elanco tGoQ82 Apr 16

Don’t hesitate with that answer at all. Don’t be a jerk but something like “you’re not asking me to breach a contract are you?..oh ok good they you are prohibited from seeing the terms, my previous employer answered correctly under the agreement of the contract” This is not unusual these days but likely most hand over the info willingly to the recruiter.

Fanatics KittyCoder Apr 16

Give them a reference to your old company and let them verify by any means The burden shouldn't be on you to share a confidential document

MuPW78 OP Apr 16

Thanks for your input!

Fanatics KittyCoder Apr 16

You're welcome I hope it works out for you

Roblox Robuxxx666 Apr 16

Tell them to use Equifax to prove or use background check service

MuPW78 OP Apr 16

Thanks to you I learn of Equifax myself!

NVIDIA ProfK Apr 16

Some of us have that blocked for privacy reasons.

NVIDIA ProfK Apr 16

Tell them to go pound sand. I dont know if the employment contract is under NDA or not. If it is -- so be it. Even if not -- i would not share. Seems like a red flag to me.

az583 Apr 16

Red flag


Seems legitimate. They want to know you worked at a company. How is working at a company protected by an NDA?