Misc.Apr 28

Are you racist by average Democrat standards?

TC: 340

80 Participants
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Uber oRTar Apr 28

Isn't everyone? That's the whole point

Meta temp_name Apr 28

Black people cant be racist. Because they are victims of systematic racism.

Verizon Media jeffzzzzz Apr 29

Some or most of these people approach me in Walmart for the help when Iโ€™m shopping thinking that I am a grocery worker even though Walmart associates wear the Walmart vest. I am neither black nor white lol!

Verizon Media jeffzzzzz Apr 28

Racist before becoming a millionaire or after becoming a millionaire?

Stripe ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ๐Ÿ†Ž๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ’ฉ2 Apr 28

What is "average democrat standards"? Tf are you talking about? What about by average Indian standards?

Intuit spookypoo Apr 28

You okay?

Amazon miscreants Apr 28

I believe in punctuality, hard work, weightlifting, that the most qualified candidate should get the job, and that skin color is meaningless. So by democrat standards I might as well be a skinhead.

CPOInCA Apr 28

Sounds like Democrats would love you and MAGA would think you were mentally ill.

Microsoft 6hfxjoycw Apr 28

Can you define the standards?

ex-Salesforce PapaJk Apr 28

Average democrat standards are garbage! They are as radicalized as MAGA!

Amazon ๐Ÿ‘๏ธcu Apr 28

What's MAGA standard?

Boeing ifitsBowin Apr 28

Now you know why: to pass legislation to fund foreign governments and not inflation related relief

Microsoft Hey-Zeus Apr 29

No, I'm exactly like the typical lefty. I want to have special areas reserved only for my race, just like they're doing on college campuses and in ERGs.