
Best companies with high pay and good WLB for designers?

It's been a while since I've seen someone ask this question for design so thought I'd resurrect it and see what are the current holy grail places to try to land these days. 🤑 #design #ui/ux

Google pYt6)$@- Apr 24

Google is high pay relatively and good wlb generally. The company is kinda shit right now culturally but if you can move beyond that it’s pretty decent.

Novartis Aakrighty Apr 26

Whatchu making there dawg?

Google pYt6)$@- Apr 26

$250k in Austin, L4

jb345too OP Apr 30

I think I'll add a modifier of being remote friendly as many of the top paying places have gone hybrid or mostly RTO. My recent list: Stripe, Pinterest, Zillow, Shopify, Netflix, Zapier, HubSpot, Dropbox, PayPal, Salesforce, GoDaddy, Yahoo, ServiceNow, and probably a smattering of one off roles here and there that are at medium sized startups or fintech related.