PetsFeb 25
Impellam GroupPowerade9

Decided to keep the cat

I found this cat a while ago when it was really cold outside. I have an entire separate post about it : Check out this post! "Should I get someone else’s cat neutered without asking them? (Pets)" Anyway, I looked for the owner and was not able to find them. I was going to give the cat away, but it was always afraid they’re going to kill the cat. So she just stuck around and all my cats have gotten used to her It’s funny, because I never wanted another cat, because two was enough. #Cats #Pet #Pets

Should I get someone else’s cat neutered without asking them? - Blind
Should I get someone else’s cat neutered without asking them? - Blind
layoff0321 Feb 25


sattubhai Feb 25

You are a good person

Oracle mmnbvvfg Feb 25


JBOw42 Feb 25

You did the right thing.

Google own.. Feb 25


Microsoft 24/7 Feb 27

This is the "pet" section, buddy. They meant animals. Not that other kind of furry.

Google ruwpd Feb 28

Wow blind put me in it

ServiceNow NOW1000 Feb 25

Good on you OP. It seems like this cat could be a stray, since no microchip. And nobody claimed her when you made those posts. This cat is definitely in a much nicer place, judging from how content it’s sleeping in your pic. Seems like you take really good care of cats given the body language of the white cat 😂

Rivian goinblind_ Feb 25

Congratulations- the cat distribution system has struck again

Microsoft the king 👑 Feb 25

How many cats you have OP ?

Impellam Group Powerade9 OP Feb 25


Impellam Group Powerade9 OP Feb 25

I also felt like she was a stray, and no one really owned her because one time when I was eating a drumstick, she took it in a bit right through the bone and started eating the bone.

Oath BPkd86 Feb 25

Thank you for being a decent human. 👍🏻