Depressed after vacation

Went on a trip with friends without family. Depressed AF after returning. I was out for a week, got used to living alone, partying with friends. I didn't miss my kids there and now find myself laying in bed, not wanting to get back to my routine which is nothing but chores, chores and more chores. I hate my life. How do I get out of this mess? #mentalhealth #depression

Amazon bNHO33 Apr 28

What do you need to do to make your current life better?

PayPal kuArqQd5 Apr 28

Note to blind: Don’t have kids if you don’t want them. That’s an okay decision. Maybe hire a nanny a few days a week to cope.

ServiceNow hy45&@ Apr 28

Remember, there is no escape from chores. Start planning your next vacation.

Intel intel2022 Apr 28

Daily Cooking and cleaning kills the joy of life. It’s drains your energy.

Exabeam extrabeam Apr 28

It's normal to have regrets. Accept that life involves pain and move on. Make the best of it. Hire a nanny like someone else mentioned. Trying doing stuff you enjoy with your kids and see what happens.

Shell fv62 Apr 28

Don't resist. Accept your life fully. Then it becomes easier

Microsoft systematic Apr 28

Make more with less. Listen to podcasts or music while doing chores. Disconnect from everything for a while. Exercise with your family so you get time together while taking care of your health. Cook in batches for 3-5 days. Teach your kids to play games you like playing so you get some fun time for you and them.

Intel chowmien Apr 28

It is what you expect out of a married life. You will get used to it. It is normal

Reddit marchy Apr 28

Plan the next trip with your buddies. Or go on a “business trip” every month. Nothing helps you stay sane like taking time off from adulting. Another option is to encourage your wife to take time off, so you get reciprocal solo time yourself when you want it.

Google dhibmd Apr 28

Get help with kids and chores. Not that difficult. Like anything in life you will have to pay for it.