LayoffsApr 26

Question to corporations:

Who do you think will buy your products if so many people lost their jobs?! Thanks to AI creators and dumb management!

Workday b543 Apr 26

Our customers are major corporation who are locked into our ecosystem

DocuSign hk_* Apr 26

And who are buying products from “major corporations”?

Amazon Selector Apr 26

Your disapproval was part of the cost/benefit analysis

Coinbase Inlier Apr 27

They don't think past short-term. Milking current $$$ as much as they can, while it still lasts, for as long as they can by increasing prices for existing customers or richer customers or to continue monopolizing their hold on constomers with no real alternative products/services. They may not be big oil or tobacco or environment-destroying corpos, but they operate on same short-sighted goals to milk $$$ without caring about long-term human, environmental or societal consequences because that's not what's rewarded (again think tobacco and illegal drug trades, they literally are selling things that kill their customers, but it doesn't matter short-term because it will make them big profits now. By the time any consequences hit, the people at the top will be rich and long gone - ex: Jack Welch). It's what happens when they only answer to major external and internal forces that don't give a sht besides next quarter earnings that can increase their $. The never-ending push to make YoY numbers look good is unsustainable. At some point a corporation/business is already too big and shouldn't keep growing like a cancer.