Intuit Principal Engineer Interview - India

Interviewing for principal engineer at Intuit. Have a technical discussion round soon. Please help answer below queries... Should I expect DSA ? If yes, any particular topics you recommend? I feel under-prepared. Should I deeply focus on my projects mentioned in CV or grind System Design resources. Also topics you recommend. What is the salary range for principal level? Current TC: 50L #intuit #intuitcareers #interview #engineering #software #swe

Tesco JobsInAus Apr 27

How did you even get the interview call in this market?

PayPal sdfkajdj Apr 27


Dell DevZee OP Apr 27

10 in IT; total 15

Intuit CodeLover! Apr 27

Dont join as principal based on your current TC. They will make you work like principal with SSE salary

Dell DevZee OP Apr 27

Thanks @CodeLover!. Can I DM you?

Intuit CodeLover! Apr 27

Yes sure

Tesco seeker@03 May 4

@OP: How did it go?