
Would love some advice - Junior / Mid (depends on company)

Most of my professional career I was enabled as more of a generalist. It blows that both startups went bankrupt and don’t exist :/. Would love some advice on how to make it better. I’m applying for both frontend and full-stack positions, but ideally I want frontend and then later transition into backend fully within the company. Other than resume improvements, would this pass for frontend positions or do I need to make another version? It’s just a lot of the features I worked on were full-stack. Straight frontend shit was easy shit.

Okta KCde58 Apr 24

It’s fine they don’t exist. They did at one point and that’s all that matters. For your freelance position, maybe put the name of your LLC you setup instead of “Freelance”. Then in the description can say “Working as independent consultant…”

turbop OP Apr 24

Good idea