#MeTooApr 24, 2018

Me too on blockchain

A college student committed suicide after a professor raped her. When a fellow student questioned and demanded school and police investigation to be more transparent, he and his family were threatened by the school. Relevant articles are being banned on social network/news but people put it on blockchain. How would it turn out in a tightly censored country? https://etherscan.io/tx/0x2d6a7b0f6adeff38423d4c62cd8b6ccb708ddad85da5d3d06756ad4d8a04a6a2?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0

Ethereum Transaction 0x2d6a7b0f6adeff38423d4c62cd8b6ccb708ddad85da5d3d06756ad4d8a04a6a2
Ethereum Transaction 0x2d6a7b0f6adeff38423d4c62cd8b6ccb708ddad85da5d3d06756ad4d8a04a6a2
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lineis12vo OP Apr 24, 2018

Click convert to utf8 to view

McCollum Apr 24, 2018

This doesn’t belong in the eth blockchain. ETH blockchain is financial records, this is not relevant and consumes space making ETH less viable.

Microsoft Blkman Apr 24, 2018

Completely valid use of ethereum. Remember ethereum is supposed to be a general purpose blockchain. Not just currency.

McCollum Apr 24, 2018

Um no. Although it provides more functionality than just sending money, it is not “general purpose” meaning everything and the kitchen sink goes in there. It is a financial tool.

Pinterest thalaivar Apr 24, 2018

inb4 ETH china ban

Microsoft melv Apr 24, 2018

Ah yes the old claim that news is being suppressed. CNN banned your super important news