
AWS filing for N400

What address should I use for AWS, for legal immigration purposes? The pay stub says “202 Westland Ave N”. Is there another specific address for legal/immigration purposes?

Amazon XkjQcf7R Apr 21

Amazon/AWS doesn’t do any sponsorship until further notice.

hhh2022 OP Apr 21

I don’t need sponsorship. I am filing for Naturalisation/citizenship. I can self file that , but still need the workplace address

Amazon XkjQcf7R Apr 21

Put whatever Amazon’s public address. That’s it. No one cares. Also it’s refreshing to see people are still filing for US citizenship in 2024. 🙄

hhh2022 OP Apr 21


ex-Snap FightFears Apr 21

Look up the legal address for the exact company employing you. Amazon has several companies. I guess look up the legal address of the company in your pay stub. Probably the one you mentioned, but double check.

hhh2022 OP Apr 21

Yep, I am using pay stub address now

hhh2022 OP Apr 21

One last question on this subject …. AWS internal immigration wiki suggests “Ryan Swanson” as an immigration attorney. Any benefit in going through that law firm, like is there any scenario they could get things done better/faster/authoratively, than me going through my long standing local law firm? (Cost are similar so that is not a concern )

Amazon XkjQcf7R Apr 21

You are asking the community questions in hope to get free advice? 🙄🤡

hhh2022 OP Apr 22

Where else should I ask if I should choose between attorney A and Attorney B? Are you an attorney yourself?