Can I afford a maxed out Mazda3 [CAD/Toronto]

Hello, I'm wondering if I can afford this car. I'm pretty frugal with my money so this big of a purchase is scary to me. I've done a ton of research/test drives and really like the Mazda3 GT Turbos. I'm not 100% inclined to get the turbo vs non-turbo, but was wondering some thoughts. I basically got the MSRP price for the car from a dealer. They also have a promotional 1.9% APR if you chose a 36 month option which is a no brainer for me since I'm considering even buying it in cash. Would probably put the max down and just finance the rest until the promotional interest rate ends. I have no interest in buying a cheap used car because I already own one paid off. It's a fine car, just doesn't seem too safe. I don't drive to work, but I often drive 1-2 hours out of the city to visit family/partner's family. Car price: 47k CAD after all taxes/fees (only fees I got were the ones listed on Trade in car: 7k bringing final price down to 40k TC: 155kCAD + Paper options NW: 100k liquid, 65k in investments, total 165 Rent: 2350 in HCOL Other expenses: Anywhere from 500-1500 a month Age: 25, 3 YOE in big tech My current car insurance is $140 cad a month, I did some initial digging and to ensure the new car in Toronto it would be $180 a month (sadly this seems to be the norm) Would appreciate some thoughts, I'm not sure buying a property is something I'd do in the next 1-4 years If I don't opt for the turbo, the final price after trade in would be like 38k. I don't care too much for fast engines, but the turbo interior is fairly nicer and is a quieter ride overall I've considered a Tesla model 3 since its not a huge difference in price, but I don't have anywhere to reliably charge it #finance #car #cars

Dragos zvrq50 May 1

You could. Whether you should is a different question.

Faire ONBb33 May 1

I think you’re good..?