
Do you find it hard to find a restroom to shit in your workplace

As title.

General Motors bingobluey Apr 30

Most folks at my workplace eat lunch between 11-1. There's probably 35-40 stalls in restrooms of each gender in my building. I bet around 2pm, there's a high probability you'd find every single one of them full.

Microsoft 7zM18G6 Apr 30

Yeah, people just don’t understand basic etiquette. There were three urinals and the guy went and used the middle one.

General Motors bingobluey Apr 30

Join him in the same urinal to assert dominance. Or whatever that running joke trend is.

Microsoft xEVe86 Apr 30

I go to the gender neutral one as they are fully locked I feel more comfortable delivering Armageddon there

Meta nihaocacao Apr 30

Pro tip if you’re in mpk 20-22 lobbies have individual restrooms so you can fully relax like a first class citizen

Oracle bearbreath Apr 30

I complete stuff in the morning

Cisco BuggyD🤡 Apr 30

Yeah bro. There is no bidet. I shit like a king in my house toilet 😌

Adobe prepModeOn Apr 30

Is this why people keep shitting on each other?