
Microsoft PIP

How common PIP at Microsoft. Can you go on PIP in first six months at Microsoft.

Cisco ChubbyChow Mar 14

Uncommon unless you really suck at your job.

Microsoft lBpJ57 Mar 14

It is not that uncommon. I have seen multiple people being PIPed or getting considered to be pipped. But the first six months are relatively easy, and folks are given time to settle in. It would mostly take a year for someone to get PIPed.

Microsoft àáàáæ Mar 14

Where there's a will, there's a way

Microsoft TrickMe Mar 14

Lol no. I hardly delivered anything in the first 12 months and the manager kept saying you are doing great.

Microsoft OMG42 Mar 14

You’re doing great!

naira Mar 19

Things can change overnight

Microsoft redpanda11 Mar 15

In the past 2 years it’s become a lot more common. Expectations at Microsoft has skyrocketed. Even though employee perks and pay have been cut. We were already lowest paid in the industry and now it’s even worse.