Amazon XkjQcf7R OP May 1

Who’s next?

Microsoft xajdha May 1

So called dream company

Amazon XkjQcf7R OP May 1

Exactly. That dream is broken.

Microsoft 👨‍✈️aviator May 1

This is happening at Microsoft too. Go look at how much of your org under the CVP (especially Azure) is not based in Redmond.

PayPal ppeverywhe May 1

Welcome to the club google where the suits at the top gut the company

The Home Depot xkCo68 May 1

Modern day IBM! Honestly does Google do anything great other than search?

Box jHBx17 May 1


Match 0xFEE1DEAD May 1

Hmm gcp, Gmail, android, YouTube, maps?

Palo Alto Networks VWVWVWVWV May 1

Sundar is a talentless hack.

zapped🥜EU May 1

SWE is shit profession, employees are expandable. Never heard of hospitals closing down and moving to India nor Mexico. Now we entered an era called "race to the bottom". The cheapest labour wins. Everybody with internet access, electricity and some IQ can compete with experienced SWE by having no life and leetcoding all the time.

Amazon XkjQcf7R OP May 1

Sounds about right actually.

Google Wnqq00 May 1

We tried that before. There is a reason we stopped doing that.

vfbrewfqwe May 1

and this is the company which had highest quarterly net income of $23 billion, an increase from $15 billion last year. So think about doing your own business folks, these companies are not going to share a single penny and will fire every employee if possible to earn more and more.

Google ddlddlh May 1

If only it was that easy to start and run a company like Google 😂. Requires a lot of talent, skill, connections, luck, timing.

Hertz (\*_*/) May 1

You don’t need to create another Google. There’s plenty of opportunity out there for new companies in plenty of niches, it’s just about using your own experience, money, and time to take a risk on your own venture which the majority of Blind doesn’t want to do

Apple baseball7 May 1

AI = actually Indians

vfbrewfqwe May 1

Agent Smithapal

Autodesk yolo_gainz May 1

They shouldn’t be allowed to file H1Bs until they rehire the fired people. This is sad. Unless of course they only fired H1Bs.

Amazon 🪙obscur May 1

You're complaining about h1b in which there are strict minimum pay requirements and they work here, pay taxes and spend here. Now move that job to India, the company pays little, and that money is gone from the US economy.

Autodesk yolo_gainz May 1

Everyone understands the economics. The point being, if you fire US citizens, you clearly have qualified individuals for the job, and until you rehire them, you shouldn’t need to hire NEW H1Bs, if your argument about wages being the same stays true.

smokerr May 1

100s of employees out of approx 100K? Are you kidding me? That's not even a slap on the wrist. Google needs to downsize significantly to be more productive again. No more 4 hour work days and free massage or meals.

Apple MegaByted May 1

I don’t think it’s the benefits that the issue. Tech attracts too many psychopaths who want to build a kingdom. We need to flatten orgs and get rid of managers.