FitnessApr 19

How to bench 315 for reps?

Currently, I can do one 1 rep @ 315lbs. How do I get to 5 reps? From a diet standpoint, should I include more carbs, and beets juice ? In a vegetarian btw and mostly vegan

Microsoft towawy4243 Apr 19

You’re asking nerds who probably can’t even bench 1 plate

Amazon amazoneian Apr 20

Ive only benched with dumbbells since my gym doesnt have a bench Is there a standard conversion that can be done?

Microsoft towawy4243 Apr 20

If you can db press 45 #s you can most likely do 135 barbell

Qualcomm FinalLol Apr 19

Train and do lot of accessory work. Make your biceps, forearms strong along with insane core , shoulder and wrist stability. You know your body better than others. You need to find the point of weakness and work on that.

Microsoft JebO11 Apr 19

Focus on other muscle groups. Including back and shoulders. Also wear wrist straps to keep your wrist straight without bending backwards.

Databricks akdasa Apr 21

>advice to strengthen the bench press >biceps forearms core shoulders wrist bruh, did you ever bench 2 plates?

SAP bambam781 Apr 19

Increase weight

Affirm smkife Apr 19

Eat clen

NXP wksgkcb Apr 19

tren harder

Apollo RayeshP Apr 19

Anavar give up

Cubic Corgi^2 Apr 19

wtf beet juice? Work on increasing volume at lower weight like 275.

Apple iHate🥾👅ers Apr 20

juice made from beetroot. I use beetroot powder in my preworkout supplements. It’s amazing antioxidant and increases blood flow and circulation. Great for keeping blood pressure low too

Microsoft anon022 Apr 19

Getting bigger is usually the answer but my powerlifting coach used to say a plateaued bench can be cured with stronger triceps. Start doing more close grip bench and weighted dips.

Qualcomm SnpDragoon Apr 20

Be careful. A lot of powerlifting mistruths come out of mixing up equipped and raw lifting. When you're equipped benching, the bench shirt takes care of the bottom portion of the lift. You actually need super strong lats to *row the bar hard enough to get the bar to your chest*. You have to handle the top of the lift though, so triceps are absolutely critical in equipped benching With raw benching, you have to actually watch the person fail a maximal lift, and the way they fail gives you clues about the weak point. Could be pecs, could be triceps, could be delts

Microsoft anon022 Apr 21

I’m aware but even for raw lifting it’s usually triceps that are the bottleneck.

Bloomberg wev19b Apr 19

Short answer is get bigger. Long answer is bench is a fairly technical lift. You need to be good at engaging your core, back, and use leg drive. Leg drive is extremely important imo.

Walt Disney eQmkp Apr 19

bench is not a particularly technical lift. the olympic snatch is a technical lift bench is one of the least technically demanding lifts

Oracle Staz Apr 20

Weightlifting movements are more technical but there are still techniques to powerlifting. For benching, higher arch to cut ROM and using leg drive.

Google Dr. Jefa Apr 19

Increase calories, increase protein, take a creatine supplement if you haven’t yet (this is a game changer for me as a fellow vegan). Beet juice 30 min before lifting. Complex carbs- sweet potatoes. Stay away from fries and processed foods. High acrylamide and advanced glycation end products in these foods impede performance. I also take 10 of Body Health Perfect Aminos before lifting, this plus creatine really helps me grind through reps.

Tata Consultancy Services dasbooger Apr 19

Increase your reps at a lower weight and work up from there, I.e. try to do five at 275 then up the load over multiple workouts; focus muscle endurance