I miss being a Producer, help

I recently had to take a very senior role outside of game production due to layoffs last year. I am still in games, but on the publishing / marketing side of things since I have a background in it. I miss being a dev-side producer but because of my lack of experience on the development side of things for quite some time, interviewing with candidates with more recent and relevant experience has been my downfall. I am hoping to find someone to help mentor me in production because I'm at a loss and don't know where to go next or how to break down the wall. I make good money, have quite a senior role, but I'm unhappy because I'm not passionate about the work I'm doing now. I prep overtime for interviews but since the most impactful work I've done has been in marketing, producers are put off, don't care, or underestimate the value that work brings. I need help with selling myself and trying to find ways to translate my experience better. Is anyone available for a chat or mock interviews? Thank you in advance. #gaming TC: 160k / yr

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