If the spouse makes a terrible TC, is it reasonable to ask/demand to convert to stay at home spouse?

1 kid, in private school, lots of household expenses. My TC way outweighs her, around 10x. I think, why work? Her time could have been more useful for caring the kids and the house better. #relationships

28 Participants
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blue sky! May 1

It is her ambition and identity. As much as your job matters to you, hers matters to her.

Apple xHurbrjusI May 2

Absolutely it’s not always about TC ! Meeting a few folks and doing your passion is reward in itself

tsx151 May 2

Exactly. Most people aren't going to be on the streets. They can perfectly support themselves and kid (s). Spouse making more money isn't a reason for them to give up their identity, passion, life, etc.

Uber whtfyolo May 1

If you want to save your marriage support her with whatever career she has and hire every possible help for chores so she has time and energy for quality time with kids and you

tsx151 May 1

If I were your spouse I'd leave you over that.

Apple OSkn80 OP May 3

so drastic? why?

tsx151 May 3

Because it's a very selfish ask. Work gives one a sense of independence, meaning, professional satisfaction etc. If someone made 5x more than me and asked that of me I would leave because I can perfectly sustain myself and my family and his extra money is just contributing to cutting off my wings. No thank you. Unless someone is living in poverty or out of prison you don't have any leverage suggesting that. Or if they had an ambition to stay home. However if that is the case they are also marrying you for income potential.

ex-Google cuke🥒 May 2

Not reasonable to ask. Totally unacceptable to demand. Completely reasonable to suggest and encourage.

Microsoft DesiStud May 3

Your spouse is absolutely selfish if you even have to suggest her this. She's not pulling her weight in the family. You are stuck