Looking for an interviewing coach for DS/ ML

#data #datascience Hi all, l am in dire need of an experienced coach to crack Data science / ML interviews. Not sure what kind of roles to focus on and what to study given the vast curriculum. I have 10 years of experience in data science/ analytics and model development ( traditional as well as modern tech stack) . Have zero experience in System design. Can’t solve software engineering problems like Search/ Sort optimisations but willing to cram theory. Have studied it years ago. Well versed with regression, dtrees, boosting etc. Aggressively studying Deep learning/ NLP. People management experience in previous roles. Practising coding on Strata scratch. Very hands on with Python and Sql. Few questions that I need answers to: 1. Do I need to practice solving probability and stats questions given my experience? 2. Should I target manager roles or IC roles? Do they look for managerial experience in current role? 3. In take home assignments, do the interviewers expect basic exploratory analysis from experienced candidates or complete models? 4.How to showcase NLP projects? Can a few basic projects on kaggle be used just to show familiarity with concepts? 5. Have done deployment for sas models and currently deploying Python models but have no knowledge of pipelines, docker etc. Please reply/ DM. Tc- 150k 😭😭😭 #stripeinterview #affirm #paypal #klarna #faang #coach

Cloudaeon खुश मिज़ाज Apr 30

Topmate - quite cheap and helpful.

Citibank Ds_1313 OP Apr 30

Any specific coach that you liked?

Cloudaeon खुश मिज़ाज Apr 30

Just search topmate company name role name on Google search bar and check each topmate profile then book the mock interview / 1:1 with them.

Ex-Metaa Apr 30

Check out meetapro and interviewingio. There are some good options.

Microsoft hHEG11 May 1

You have a good assessment of your skills, which is a great start. I have been there done that, so, feel free to DM

Instacart economista May 1

Not op, but on the same path. Would you mind if I DM you?