
Navigating through workplace politics?

How are you guys dealing with workplace politics in below scenarios? 1. Credit stealing by colleagues 2. Excessive emails cc'ing supervisor to demonstrate importance 3. Adding moot points in a meeting in the name of providing "valuable input". 4. Code sharing without crediting work. 5. In general total show off without contributing to actual work. Would love to hear from managers what do they think of people showing such traits? Are you able to see through such bs and is this something you incentivize/penalise? Additionally as a coworker how does one deal with such colleagues ?

Fidelity Investments madascow May 2

Manager: he is the best, and promoted.

Tech Mahindra Bg23jh May 2

Managers couldnโ€™t care less , they generally are aware but hardly anyone does a due diligence on what actually goes on behind the scenes.