WFH & RTOApr 25

What US time zone is the best when working in a distributed team?

I work in PST and get annoyed by early morning calls. Jealous of my EST colleagues, but also enjoy never having late afternoon meetings. What US time zone is the best for optimizing working hours?

83 Participants
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Google brammi Apr 25

EST is best

Basis Technologies 陳小明 Apr 25

To do shit late

Salesforce fk6rh49fj Apr 25

I want to move to NYC so I can be EST

Grubhub hubgrub2 Apr 25

Est and no body schedule meeting after 5

Capital One pinea Apr 25

Dumb question. Seems like it matters what time of the day you're most productive. Early bird PST/night owl EST.

Microsoft M1CR0S0FT Apr 25

I’m night owl and prefer Pacific time. First and only mandatory meeting of each day is at 10am. I wake up at 9:30am, cook breakfast, interact with baby, pass baby to wife, join meeting, take shower, read/reply emails, and boom! it’s 12pm already. I cook and eat lunch with family. Then, at 1pm, I start working on the technical problem(s) of the day/week, either doing research, having technical discussions, or programming. Finish work at 4pm or so, chat with colleagues until 5pm. I cook dinner with family, put baby to sleep (if possible), watch a movie, or play with baby if still awake, work on my personal project(s), practice Duolingo, have sex, take shower, sleep. Repeat Monday through Thursday. Fridays, I procrastinate. Post memes at work. Chat with colleagues, do light research, prepare a bit of work for Monday, close email loops. Drink with wife and/or invite friends over or go out for a walk with baby. Saturdays and Sundays are random activities.

Amazon PsNg55 Apr 26

I’m think the winning part of that is only working five hours per day, four days a week

Basis Technologies 陳小明 Apr 25

Central on god

VMware tqkznw Apr 25

EST need to wake up at 4 am, open laptop and meetings with puffy face

Amadeus qasde Apr 26

EST sucks because you get pulled into European meetings early in the morning and later meetings from people out West.

Airbnb DYLY82 Apr 26

I mean the answer to this is whatever time zone your company has decided to standardize on.

Slack dheuzhdhw OP Apr 26

Do companies standardize on this? Seems more team/org-specific in my experience.

Airbnb DYLY82 Apr 27

Well then it should be whatever your team/org standardizes on. At larger companies, it's standardized at the team level. At small companies, it's at the company level.