
What's a time you thought your life was over but you bounced back better than ever?

Microsoft àáàáæ May 1

When a driver on a suspended license tried to kill me and totaled my car instead

yeetty OP May 1

Why did they try to kill you

Microsoft àáàáæ May 2

Because they're a crazy person?

HCA Healthcare meth lord May 1

I was a male escort for 4 months to pay for drugs but now I 340k TC

yeetty OP May 1

Shit what drugs. I did oxy after my surgery and tbh never again. I couldn't shit for 5 days

HCA Healthcare JenkemHuff May 1


AMD alpha.93 May 1

Multiple times. Harvey specter of my own suits drama

yeetty OP May 1

Tf what happened