Why do a lot people on here say PayPal has a toxic culture? Is it just that people aren’t helpful or the WLB sucks?


PayPal 121059 Apr 26

I didn’t have any WLB problems so far.

PayPal pmoi Apr 26

if you value your mental health stay away. it’s complete game of thrones.

PayPal GenjiHanzo Apr 26

WLB sucks, too much politics, slow promotion and growth, shit stock

Meta Poor@600TC Apr 28

office politics or political politics ?

PayPal GenjiHanzo Apr 29

Office politics, or ass licking whatever you may want to call it

PayPal RC Rektus Apr 29

It's not toxic rather very lethargic culture. Ideal place for rest and vest

Quantiphi Endw42 May 3

How is WLB in India's paypal office?