토픽 블라블라

Wal wal

새회사 · q*****
작성일2022.06.16. 조회수131 댓글4

So I just woke up and this whole Racial thing between the blacks and whites were a totally different level in my dream. inside my dream so racial thing was completely off as compared to that past of the harpies are present in our present situation therefore I did the real all of the bad cop so in the car they were four members me but my call ex-wife my Connex daughter my colleague was why he was being innocently discriminated by blacks in the open area I am a he tried his best to do what he needed to do it for the study and he was a man who stood up to keep his promise and protect the things that should be protected however inside my dream a gangster Shawn Michael ex-wife in the belly and when he escaped I shot him in the leg however he got angry and she and my colleagues daughter in the stomach which caused severe trauma and severe bleeding of my colleagues daughter which led her to died of loss of blood.

댓글 4

현대건설 · f****

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