All Apple knows how to do is make sh*t thinner -- lol Feels like Apple has zero innovation -- every year it's just a thinner ipad, a better there really anything left in the future of this company that's truly innovative? If you're at apple can you guide me on what are some interesting or innovative things happening there? What do the rest of us think about apple?

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Palo Alto Networks ImDum May 7

I need thinner devices so that I can increase their thickness 300% with a huge plastic case. Here’s a crazy thought, Apple: create a device that is beautiful and stylish and is resilient such that it doesn’t require a case at all.

Google Ben Dower May 7

They certainly can, but they won’t. A good chunk of the revenue is from the accessories they sell

Meta richаrdhea May 7

I have never had cases for my iPhones. Has not been a problem since iPhone 4. Cases a scam.

Microsoft @copilot May 7

And tell us about Microsoft innovation and high performance, chief.

Microsoft ijPV86 May 7

Who needs innovation from inside the company when you can just buy innovation

Google uzII22 May 7

Azure has been pretty good at innovating, copying & building an ecosystem of cloud services.

Walmart oCcn72 May 7

Apple might not be as innovative as it had been. But other option like android is terrible when it comes to vetting apps & provide better user experience. That leaves me & many of us sticking to iOS though we hate it.

Apple iHate🥾👅ers May 7

both google play store and the iOS app store do a shit job at vetting apps. At their scale its inevitable. The makn difference is that android phones have sideloading whereas ios still doesnt :D

Amazon skrrrtt May 7

All of the gestures that on iPhones confuse the shit out of me as an android user. UX is subjective as the look and feel is so different. I hate windows and use Macs.

Toast f3elr May 7

visionOs design is actually better than meta's take on VR

Google Rakeshi May 7

No thanks, I’d rather gold plate my Meta Oculus with real gold

Apple MegaByted May 7

I disagree, the MacBook pros got fatter

Google KQPE30 May 7

I like em thiccc

Google uzII22 May 7

After using MacBook pro for a few years, I can’t go back to Windows or ChromeBooks. The sheer performance is crazy

Apple TDmK50 May 7

Yeah well, thanks for the feedback I guess. 😔

Qualcomm jkns3vz May 7

Says Microsoft ? When did you guys invent something good ? Let’s see: MSFT bought 86-DOS to sale it as MS-DOS Bought Forthought to sale it as PowerPoint Bought to outlook Bought Visio Corp to Microsoft Visio Bought Skype to Skype and Teams Bought Nokia to Windows phones Bought Activision Blizzard and other studios 50% in OpenAI Bought LinkedIn and GitHub Anything organic that someone remembers ?

ex-Google T@MMY May 7

X-Box C# Visual Studio

Qualcomm jkns3vz May 7

Glad you got something ..

metalslime May 7

I used win 11 for the first time using any windows software in over a decade. It's still flaming hot garbage of an experience, and the only compelling aspects of it are ideas borrowed from Apple. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Google KQPE30 May 7


LinkedIn tape org May 7

Even those features have been ported over so poorly it makes for a very jarring experience

Microsoft guacamooli May 7

What are you talking about? The ol iPad was super thick

Amazon SurgeNRG May 7

With the M4 in the iPad it seems obvious that they should create something like the Surface Book… aka MacBook with a detachable touchscreen. Right now the iPad is like an overpowered toy computer with severe limitations. It does not replace my MacBook (too limited and multitasking sucks on it, as well as working with external storage) but it’s too expensive to justify buying it in addition to a MacBook.

Roblox nilpanic May 7

iPad Pro that can run osx or virtual machines would maybe be worth half the cost

Retool wecool May 8

This will happen for sure. The only thing they need now is enabling MacOS-like experience on the iPad. I think in the next few years they will focus primarily on software, turning iPad into the “laptop” of choice for people.