Behaviorial mock interview. (DM)

Anyone willing to team up for a peer behavioral mock interview for Senior/Staff Engineering positions? DM

Ex-Metaa May 5

Check out meetapro, interviewingio or pramp.

Amazon vsdat OP May 5

Pramp is not helpful for tenured people. is not free. I don't want to pay for interview practice. I'm ready to interview in return. And yes looking for tenured interviewers. We have a pool of 3 people now and are planning to grow it to 10.

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Microsoft klophjs May 7

Is it worth 30$?

helluvaguy May 7

100%. They streamlined absolutely anything you should account for across all categories interviewers might assess you on. It’s my go to resource any time I want to brush up on my prep. Interestingly, the shuffling part is helping me personally with the random part of any interview, because I always get anxiety, so it helps on that as well.