Companies that pay as much as meta

Which companies pay comparable to meta #tech #meta

Meta nietAgain May 3

openai, anthropic, Databricks - pay more than meta but paper money 😀 Netflix - depending on the level and role

Microsoft rQNv46 OP May 3

So basically only Netflix among public

Qualcomm blackluv May 3

Amazon, Google, Apple

Meta sviatdf May 3

None of these beat meta for initial offer. May be on par if you caught some opportunistic stock appreciation.

Microsoft rQNv46 OP May 3

You really don’t know what you are talking about. Bro, just get some rest, it must have been a long week at Qualcomm.

Stripe zyrh26 May 3


Microsoft rQNv46 OP May 3

They pay at google, apple level but don’t go as high as meta.

Meta nietAgain May 3

Not true - SF pays better than meta at Staff and more

Dropbox onedayatim May 3

Hedge funds!

Microsoft rQNv46 OP May 3

They don’t hire us as readily as meta

Microsoft ShravanT May 3

Just go to meta man

Meta yeanal May 3

The money is not worth it.

Microsoft rQNv46 OP May 3

Shit is everywhere my friend. Google and Msft have random layoffs. Apple culture rips apart your soul. Amazon is well known for it shit. Why not get at least make some money at meta

Meta MetaNow May 4

Shit is greener here

Meta nietAgain May 3

Also Roblox used to pay better than meta

Microsoft rQNv46 OP May 3

Who with a sane mind will join Roblox - a sinking ship

Meta nietAgain May 3

Have been hearing of this sinking story for years now.



Meta nietAgain May 3

That is attributed to stock growth. How does new offers compare?

NVIDIA RetiredNvi May 3

It won't be better but Nvidia will try to match closer if candidate has good reference with stock exception. Don't count on it

Meta nietAgain May 3

Well also Coupang 😀.

Apple greatful19 May 3


Snap cSmj18 May 4


Snap cSmj18 May 4

Beat my meta offer

Meta 6pack May 4

how is it there? I heard it is a bit of a mess....