Evaluate my Amazon offer

8 yrs work experience. Currently in Redmond with TC 250K at L63. Amazon offer is for California. Can anyone share tips on how to negotiate base? Watched interviewing.io seminar videos, want to hear from people who successfully navigated negotiations. Hopefully this can be first time I can negotiate successfully. #engineering #engineering #software #swe #aws #amazon #microsoft

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Software Engineer
San Francisco, CA, US • L5
TC: $335K
Amazon BGLf35 May 4


Amazon bbkzlizl May 8

Bruh this is an L5 offer, it’s really good for L5

Amazon BGLf35 May 8

Getting an L5 offer at 8 YoE is 💩

Microsoft chat-gpt May 4

Shouldnt you be targeting l6?

Microsoft nuun OP May 4

Did interview for l6 but was only offered l5

Microsoft chat-gpt May 4

What was the feedback? Did you do the system design not well enough?

DocuSign prodLaunch May 4

Don’t forget the mental pressure comes along.. so make sure you increase your tc that can justify the mental torture

Amazon jK109 May 4

And make sure you account for therapy + hospitalization potential

DocuSign prodLaunch May 4


Microsoft GQPq36 May 4

Don’t join Amazon PIP factory! Get L64 to slightly increase your salary.

Microsoft 🕵️🕵️‍♀️ May 4

In HCOL, last I checked, L5 can get about 380k/yr TC.

Uber zHmh13 May 4

8yoe, L6 is an appropriate jump, imo you are down leveling yourself

Salesforce spenthrift May 4

Can go upto 450k in bay area

Capital One nababavaa May 4

That’s L6, check levels.fyi

Twilio cj8 May 4

Wouldn't work for Amazon for less than $500k in CA. Not worth the stress.

Microsoft QtQe May 5

So 500k is worth the stress? Ok

Bloomberg pinkfloyd0 May 5

It might be if it retires you in 3-5 years

Amazon PoiuyZxcv May 4

Id need at least 375

Pinterest cy552 May 4

8yrs and L5 Amazon is a no-go, unless you are desperate to just land a job