
FAANG resume shortlist

I am a fresher. What kind of projects in resume would help in shortlisting at FAANG as they expect projects that use the current tech like LLMs. What sort of personal projects should I work on that proves the ability to learn and work on large scale at the company. PLEASE HELP 🙏

Google fhehrj453 May 3

Nobody reading your resume is going to spend more than 10 seconds on it. Nobody will read the list of projects. If you go to a selective school, spell the name is big bold writing. Otherwise, spell out objective metrics like standardized scores, etc .. If you don't have either going for you, build a network so you can get some referral.

yyTF61 OP May 4

I have interviewed for a few companies and they expect some experience with LLMs, so expecting on what can I do around it as personal projects?

yyTF61 OP May 4

Also atleast in ML depth round, interviewers expect to discuss around projects afaik

GitHub HffY41 May 4

You’re not getting in, Rakesh.

Apple Tim App1e May 4

What’s a “fresher”? A college freshman?

yyTF61 OP May 4
