
Found out girlfriend was cheating

I know I have to let her go, but not sure how. We have been living together for a while now. She has become a huge part of my life. I can’t believe she could do this. I just feel numb. Any advice? #dating #marriage #relationships

23 Participants
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Spirent Communications M’urica May 6

Sorry to hear, please reach out to your family/friends. Whatever happened just think the universe is doing you big favor. This too shall pass ❤️‍🩹

Oracle YEEZYLover OP May 6

Thanks for this.

Palo Alto Networks dbdbdjl May 6

@oracle it will be better. I have gone through the same. Dm me if you feel like talking or venting.

Riot Games Fly Guy May 6

Don’t cohabitate before marriage and this is an easy solution. Now you have to reconfigure living arrangements on top of the betrayal. Tough luck. You need space and to not look back. Start filling your life up with meaningful activities, and start them now. This will accelerate the healing process and fill in the extra time you will have. Get busy.