Misc.May 3

Fuck I did it again

Started my 4th valorant account and already spent a few hundred:( Spent over $12k on the first 3 and looks like I'm gonna do it again Fml

Apple orangejuju May 3

Why? Play some other good games.

ex-Wayfair survivin:) OP May 3

I'm addicted

ex-Wayfair survivin:) OP May 3

Start drinking and do thus evey time

sküby.snak May 3

What are you even spending the money on? I’ve never played the game

ex-Wayfair survivin:) OP May 3

Skins mostly, just in game items you can buy

Meta vivek4pres May 3

At least cs2 skins are worth money

Expedia Group CarCrisis May 3

What's a volarant account?

Amazon mtumtu May 3

What’s valorant? 😂

Microsoft 🥜 allergy May 3

Why do you have multiple accounts

Amazon shifti May 3

You need to go outside