Gonna have ~$200k in cash become available to me in July, what should I do with it?

Already own ~350k of stocks, is there a better option for the 200k that's incoming? Maybe T bills?

PNC EloN_Must May 3

Following. I have about $190ish sitting as well 😬

All in on SCHD

ex-Wayfair survivin:) OP May 3

I'll check it out, never heard of this

Raptive dtzX40 May 3

Hold onto it. Keep it as a backup in case of layoffs. That's what I'm doing.

ex-Wayfair survivin:) OP May 3

Already keep 30k cash for that, don't need more

Amazon gksnl May 3


EPAM Systems tKFv54 May 3

Go to Mexico or Colombia and YOLO

SQBH42 May 3

Here is what I would do: - $100k in HYSA or money market in case of layoffs - $ 100k in Bitcoin with a plan to hold for 4+ years. Short-term it is volatile but over any 4 year period it has gone up relative to inflation and it consistently beats all other assets on a 4 year time period

LinkedIn frogman83 May 3

First suggestion is good. Second is bad. BTC is super volatile and you have the potential to lose everything. If you want some risk use an index fund like VOO/VTI

ex-Wayfair survivin:) OP May 3

Yeah I'm not gonna do BTC, I don't wanna risk it. This money is coming from my grandfather who worked super hard his whole life to save it through difficult tines. I'm not gonna risk it like that purely out of respect

Intel fatheroall May 3


Uber Jeff Moore May 3

Give it to me

Expedia Group DEEEC May 3


Expedia Group DEEEC May 3

https://upgrade.com/r/6k3dPAX9XC get 5.21% APY + $200 Bonus its the best!op.

Amazon TeaSee May 3

I have about 600k spread between HYSA and CDs. Once the cds mature in a couple months I’ll move to HYSA or tbills. Sidelining from market but keeping what’s in already there