
How do you navigate work when you have a toxic manager?

What if because of certain constraints, you can't leave. You have tried everything, but your manager doesn't like you. You need to have your own back at all times. One could maintain formal email communication as record, official documentation clearly listing contributions made. What are other things you can do to safeguard yourself until you can leave? TC: 185K YOE: 1.5 #tech

Boardintelligence al90210 May 4

Go have a coffee with him. Show your personality . You both need to work together so you need to understand each other for your own sanity and for the Team. Team is a word that a lot of people don’t really understand. Show you have balls

thejediway OP May 4

You seem to be privileged and have a good manager. I'm happy for you. But that is not the case for me. I have tried too many things. I am an engineer, I need to work cohesively with the team to deliver technically. Showing my balls was never a part of the Job Description

Ford Motor Company ZzzSleepyZ May 4

Agreed with jedi. I’m not tryna have a hater to lover romantic arc wtf dawg.

Ford Motor Company ZzzSleepyZ May 4

Maintaining formal records does nothing if they’ve been there for a very long time and have friends that are equally morally bankrupt. The people in HR don’t wanna make enemies so they turn a blind eye to it all. At least at ford. Speaking up will cause retaliation. Then they make u sign away to silence u to ur severance. Evil people. Even if you have proof and show people they don’t care. They act dumb about it. None of it is real

Atlassian PiUE22 May 4

Don't take this advice from motor car here, op

Ford Motor Company ZzzSleepyZ May 4

PiUE22 my perspective is based on my experience and your perspective is based on yours

Atlassian PiUE22 May 4

How do you get on with the rest of your team? Are you the most junior in the team? What behavior makes your manager toxic? If you can lift your standing amongst your peers and this is seen by the manager as you being included and productive in the team and generally thought of highly, then it can change their perception of you, as the manager will trust those in the team they favor already. Is it possible that others in the team are not a fan of you or your performance and the manager is getting feedback from them?

thejediway OP May 4

I get along fine with the rest of the team, I am the most junior. Two people have left, I can guess why. There is no growth in this team at all. The skills are not transferrable. The people on the team are in their late 30s or early 40s, they have gotten comfortable and have no problem with the way things are. If I play by my manager's rule, do exactly as he says, don't give my opinions, become a corporate slave machine I will be fine. But doing this for 1 more year will take a toll on my mental health

mezo0099 May 4

Make friends with colleagues. That way, you know if he's picking on you or if he's just that way. There's always an exit plan it's a prison. You may need to sacrifice comfort a little bit in the process, tho.

Verizon isitsunday May 4

Op I've been in a similar situation was stuck for more than two years in the role. I believe in stoicism or rather it led me to gravitate towards stoicism. that's what kept me sane. Make allies, make sure everyone excluding her loves u. Be careful with the words you use. If you can, tuck your tail in Ie lose your personality for a bit..they're probably just intimidated by U or don't like u. At the end of year one I got her to love me, even though I hated her to the core lol. Try to see if you can do any of these. Strong family support is needed for not losing sense of self

thejediway OP May 4

this is helpful, will try this