Investing money

I have 1M in my account and would need it to buy the house in 8 months. I would like to invest it for 8 months. Any suggestions on the safe investment strategy ? I am not expecting huge returns but something in these 8 months. #stocks #investments #house #returns Tc: 180k

Amazon QJcg27 May 4


Datadog dogh May 4

Sgov (short term municipal bonds at 5.2% rn)

Accenture jGCm21 May 4


CrowdStrike fhSW1 May 4

How tf you managed to save 1M liquid with 180k/yr? Side gigs?

Cisco thbeardguy May 4

Or .. OP is a 1000 years old 😋

Bank of America techp12 OP May 4

Me and my wife both are in these fields for last 8 years. I guess that helped us to save the amount

Cognizant iListening May 4

DM for Wealthfront referral You'll be able to earn 5.5 for 3 mos, 5 afterwards If I were you, I would put that in the cash management account (similar to HYSA) that earns 5+ At 5.5, your 1M would earn about 4398/pm for 3mos, the 4007/pm at 5%

Amazon kRvt45 May 4

6 month treasury bills. Then 1 or two month bills after that depending on when you need the money. Not subject to state/local tax.

Microsoft Pisraeli May 4

You have $1M in cash???

Bank of America techp12 OP May 4

I had in stock and majority came from selling my paid house !!!!!

Microsoft DesiStud May 6

Sell a 8 month long put on $spy