Joining a PIP factory. Rate my cash reserves

I did the calculation for if I get fired in my first review cycle, how much cash I would have and how far unemployment would take me for 6 months. Assuming I get fired January 2025, I can survive until Sept 2027: Cash on hand if I'm fired after my first cycle: $139k Cash after Unemployment: $124k Monthly expenses: $4500 (worst case scenario) Date that runs out: Sept 2027 And that's all before I dip into my investments Rate that for me TC: 220k

55 Participants
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DraftKings Bzvi04 May 1

Could you explain cash after unem.?

Raptive dtzX40 OP May 1

Sure. Current Cash: 76k Sign on bonus: 15k Their 3 months severance: 12k Saving during 2 month pip period: 16k Saving @ 6 months of employment: 18k Should come out to about 139k All these numbers are post-tax

Axon otwX06 May 1

which pip factory

Raptive dtzX40 OP May 1

Capital One

Amazon asdfglk May 1

yeah okay pal

Amazon pip day May 1

Pip means no unemployment in most places FYI

Raptive dtzX40 OP May 1

Yeah I'm nervous AF about it. In NYC where I'm at they seem to be a little looser with that. I'm gonna hope for the best

Amazon pip day May 1

Find a room in Jersey City. Save yourself 3.4% city tax.

Pinterest ptuff45 May 1

Queens for the jamaican food?