Looking for techfounder. No alpha characters.

Well, as a the title sums it up, I am looking to find someone who is interested in working in Enterprise problem space (software only) and looking to bootstrap while keeping our jobs until the business starts generating revenue. I am not married to an idea so I am open to hearing about your ideas as well. I am a programmer and I think it will best serve if you are a programmer as well. I am looking for folks who want to do it on the side as I am not ready to leave my job while I have family to support. Anyone who is excited to solve problems and make an impact in the society through business is welcome. I also know that it is hard to find a good co-founder in business but I have learnt after trying it 2 times and failing to know what it takes to do better. So I am more than willing to connect and explore rather than give you a filter criteria. The most important thing from my perspective is : - You are fun to work with. No alpha character. - You are a programmer. I am a backend developer (15+ yrs) but I am open to doing front end if needed. No body knows everything and we all learn as we go. That's the fun part - You are ok with unknowns - You have strong ethics and want to do right. - You are US based and does not have visa obligations. Let's connect if this sounds all good.

Salesforce CockForce May 7

What about sigma characters?

Google gcfhfu May 7

What about Chinese characters?

DoorDash ASor06 May 7

Would you consider working with numeric or special characters?

UiPath UiPatch May 7

X Æ A-12??

Coinbase jeune~ May 7

You need to work on your tone and pitch (more emphasis on how you’ve thought through the problem space and have relevant experience to help ship the MVP and raise money). The current post reads like a MBA idea guy walking around college campuses hitting freshman programmers with “work for me, I can handle the business side”, off-putting and a red flag, my 2c

Salesforce snowy@ OP May 7

Sure. That’s a good advise. I could wait for perfect pitch or get something going . While I am troubleshooting 2 high risk bugs in the k8s cluster and also trying to figure out how will I do evening kids pickup, I choose action over ideation. Some people do not have English as first language. Also it took me a while to understand that waiting for perfection will only slow you down. Get something in action is more impactful.

Coinbase jeune~ May 7

I agree with you that you need to focus on shipping an MVP and not bikeshedding too much on the ideas. But finding an aligned cofounder is half the battle of a startup in the early stages. You need to take a step back and read this post from the perspective of someone you’d want as a cofounder. If you’ve a high bar, they likely do too. And you need to think about how to pierce through the noise and make it an appealing pitch (bc they also get bombarded with a lot of these “be my cofounder” pitches). A good place to start is talking about which of your past experience sets u up for success in this particular business software niche you’re exploring.

General Dynamics oCgt84 May 7

Why would you want to partner with another programmer? Wouldn't you want a sales person?

Salesforce snowy@ OP May 7

Sales come much later in picture when you have a product and post product market fit. Sales is one of the important branch of the business to make it thriving .

General Dynamics oCgt84 May 7

Ugh, I don't think that's accurate depending on what's being built but OK.

howdyfren May 7

So you want another job someone else helps you find?

Google yurys May 7

Interesting, could you send me a direct message?

Salesforce snowy@ OP May 7


Meta uEwW57 May 9

Hi I’m not a programmer. But I can code a bit. I’m a PM and looking to exit Faang in the next few years. I love your, let’s get started and work it out approach. As chances are any idea/problem will change. Happy to connect

Salesforce snowy@ OP May 10

Glad to see someone finally “gets it” :). Will DM you.