Meta at it again

TLDR: Firing someone for actually trying to stop child exploitation on their platform before they start

Microsoft πx May 3

Let's see if the same people who justify the layoffs with the reason "this is a business not a charity" will justify this too with the same reason.

ByteDance search for May 4

Well but that's true.

Intuit AWCK58 May 3

When with a girl you have to be discreet about what you speak. Similarly he should have been during webinar when he was with meta

Block Stockpin May 3

Maybe don't slam your employer publicly before you're in the door to actually fix the issue? If he cared about saving children wouldn't he have rolled up his sleeves inside Meta?

Microsoft πx May 3

Maybe he didn't?

Block Stockpin May 3

He did, I saw the post. He literally did a public presentation on Meta being evil for this reason.

Flagged by the community.
Flagged by the community.
Meta Recruita! May 4

I see his LinkedIn still. You probably need to log in I think. His URL looks the same.

Salesforce b53fbz May 3

That wasn't a phone call rescinding the offer. That was an email

Roblox prfGgbb OP May 3

I assume the email was verification of the phone call.

Apple HaddHaiBC May 4

That’s becoz most of meta mates are busy defending Palestinians. Their focus on such trivial things is just not there. That’s the reason the offer was rescinded.

Meta Lavontay May 4

Sorry but that logic doesn’t make much sense

Apple HaddHaiBC May 4

You know what sarcasm is right?

Apple wise&dumb May 4

This is just a one sided story

uOiG01 May 4

How do you know that guy didn’t make it up to get more followers

SAP d@tks0 May 4

And risk their reputation by half revealing the recruiter's name which can easily be verified?

uOiG01 May 4

When you are desperate to get followers, it doesn’t matter if the reputation you got is good or bad. Plus the name is not such easily to verify, you need someone who is equally influential to verify this, otherwise the fake news could just outnumber the truth because it multipliflies faster

Meta Lavontay May 4

Can’t be fired if you never started. I’m curious to what he actually said on the webinar.