GE healthcare interview

Have an interview with them next week. Appreciate any leads on what to expect. The recruiter said the first round can be coding or system design. TC - 🪓 🥜 #gehealthcare

LinkedIn jesse.p Mar 6

Why GE, thought it’s dead company career wise

VMware FwVE64 OP Mar 6

Laid off. Any company is good enough

LinkedIn jesse.p Mar 6

Understand, you do what you got to do. Good luck comrade

T-Mobile useless_tm Mar 13

Can you provide your feedback about ge interview what was been asked ?

Amazon pls-refer Mar 26

Hey OP, How did it go? May I please DM you

VMware FwVE64 OP Mar 26

I was asked a graph related question. Similar to courses 2 question on leetcode.

Amazon pls-refer Mar 26

Got it, thanks for responding And what about system design?

VMware FwVE64 OP Mar 27

Nothing on that’.