PetsApr 4

Neighbor’s dog is about to be put down

My neighbor’s dog bit a small dog and killed him. There is going to be a hearing in a few days and they’ll most likely put the dog down. It’s very sad the dog has to die because of an incompetent owner. Why can’t they just take the dog away and give him to an owner that can do the simple job of keeping him on a leash and away from other dogs. Why is it necessary to kill him. This dog has been walking by my house for a long time, never aggressive before. Also wondering, why can’t someone go steal the dog from the current owner? Maybe the dog doesn’t have to die if it’s stolen.

Atlassian BCKYRD Apr 4

It's not always the owners fault. Like you said, you've never seen the dog be aggressive before. It could have been a sudden thing. Dogs are animals and are also capable of making their own decisions. I love dogs and it's one thing if a dog is just completely untrained or the owner is being careless ie letting an aggressive untrained dog off leash but sometimes freak accidents like this just happen and unfortunately it's impossible to know if the dog won't snap again for some reason.

Amazon Hpen23 Apr 5

Isn’t the word “owner” by definition that you are responsible?

Amazon slickkdice Apr 4

The next time it could be a kid. I’m a dog owner and I will definitely sleep better if a dog that is capable of killing another is put down. Someone stealing the dog only jeopardizes other dogs in a different area …risk transference is not the same as risk avoidance.

Airbnb vejuv Apr 4

Why can't that someone be you OP.

Google G‌oogle Apr 6

OP is NIMBY types

Google vKGz07 Apr 4

there is a thing called "bite inhibition" which means dogs learn to control their bite force on other living beings during puppy hood such that even during a fight they won't inflict real harm. an adult dog that never received feedback during puppy hood (usually due to lack offleash play with other puppies) won't have a good control of their bite force and will always be a liability.

247sarcasm Apr 5

True. Put ours through this and she’s never bitten a thing. Even caught a baby squirrel once and gently laid it on the ground so it could hop back to it’s mom. Takes lots of work, and painful as a pup with little needle teeth, but worth it.

Apple Rage Quit Apr 4

No one wants to take in a dog who is known to bite. There are plenty of dogs in need of homes who haven’t bit other dogs or people.

Microsoft discharge Apr 5

Ok let the dog die, next ?

dll44 Apr 5

it’s sad. I have a dog and I know it. But the dog won’t feel it, it’ll just be a normal sleep, no pain. That’s the most humane way. Hopefully the owner can learn from this sadness.

Amazon Hpen23 Apr 5

Maybe put the owner down and the dog can learn from the sadness?

Flagged by the community.
Amazon Hpen23 Apr 5

What did your parent do to you?

Zoox dHIj44 Apr 5

Bring me up wonderfully. What did yours do to you that you are so emotionally reliant on an animal for happiness?

Amazon bnzjdie Apr 5

Is it a pitbull?

Microsoft pmrT42 Apr 5

I hear you. Stealing and rehoming the dog to another state as a form of activism seems like a possibility.