StartupsApr 30

Rubrik IPO

How much money did employees make with the rubrik IPO? If they joined 5-7 years ago?

Apple krxB8 Apr 30

Comparison is thief of joy.

ex-Google xpoQ30 OP Apr 30

We are on blind to wallow in self pity. Just answer the question

Apple krxB8 Apr 30

Well this is note to myself- given Rubrik folks are now posting their multi-million net worth.

Google 🐝 swe Apr 30

3 to 5M?

Meta spacefor Apr 30

200 M

ex-Google xpoQ30 OP Apr 30

This is unrealistic

Rubrik crakked Apr 30

Cant say…depends on their level and yearly refreshers

^_^ Apr 30
