AMAApr 30

Speeding Ticket!

I got a speeding ticket and I’m wondering what’s best between: 1. paying the ticket + attend school, or 2. Fight the ticket I don’t really have an issue paying the ticket and investing the time in attending the school with the goal of getting it off my record and move on, but I find all type of opinions pushing towards fighting the ticket. Having to fight the ticket as the best option is really uncomfortable to me, involving lawyers sounds like creating trouble to resolve trouble, and like making a bigger mess!

Amazon fandyassy Apr 30

Welcome to USA! Depends upon the ROI, for me fighting the ticket was worth it since i had legal insurance

YoJH65 OP Apr 30

How much did it cost thru your legal insurance?

Amazon fandyassy Apr 30

0$, pay a monthly fee which totally makes up for it

funwithbli Apr 30

You don't need a lawyer to fight it but it sounds like you did the crime so just own it and don't waste our tax dollars fighting it.

YoJH65 OP Apr 30

I agree, I don’t like the idea of carrying over a record for something I didn’t do on purpose. This officer was sitting down hill in an empty street, no traffic lights where I easily went over the speed limit without noticing, but I guess those are the rules, but I disagree with impacting my insurance costs and background as safe drive after 15+ years of good driving history

Lyft postald00d Apr 30

You're a dangerous driver and need education. Accept it

lc_orion Apr 30

Jesus just pay the ticket. Welcome to the club that includes nearly every driver in the US.

Microsoft jaWS38 Apr 30

Bad advice

lc_orion Apr 30

He didn’t say he wasn’t speeding. He broke the law, deal with it.

Goldman Sachs KfTh47 Apr 30

If it’s your first offense and wasn’t too bad, some jurisdictions have diversion programs that drop the charge if you don’t commit any further offenses in some amount of time. Might be something to look into.

Johnson & Johnson tlcm_pwdr Apr 30

Entirely depends on what state.

YoJH65 OP Apr 30


ex-Snap FightFears Apr 30

If you have the traffic school option, use it.

PayPal TTXX4Ke3 Apr 30

If you go in and ask, they’ll probably change it to impeding traffic and give you a class . No points. Or just pay the ticket. The big thing is your insurance might go up substantially if you have points. Some insurance agents don’t for the first one.

PayPal ab8a4f6b Apr 30

Pay the ticket, traffic school, and: S l o w D o w n

Kaiser Permanente oqFj61 May 1

Rule of thumb. Never pay the ticket. The moment you pay the ticket, you admit guilty of the charges and get the speeding on your record. Depending on the state and the speed you were going at, you get a certain amount of points on your license. If the certain amount exceeds a threshold your license is revoked. Also your car insurance increases depending on the number of points on license. Further more, you have the speeding on your record so any further traffic violation can't be plead not guilty very easily Get a traffic lawyer and ask them to make it go away. The way they will make it go away would be to 'make a deal' with judge and plead guilty to a non moving violation, e.g parked too closed to a fire hydrant, in order to not plead guilty for a moving speeding violation. Non moving violations don't add points to your license and will not increase your insurance. You will have to pay the lawyer and will have to pay the non-moving violation ticket fee, but you will save much more on car insurance in long term. *Screw car insurance companies. I would rather pay the middle class lawyers instead*

TripAdvisor mEtC33 May 1

As this guy said, get a lawyer. This is all routine business for the court, judge, cops and lawyers. Most probably the judge is also a lawyer themselves and they’ve fought these kinds of tickets for their clients. Like I said, it’s all business-as-usual for them and they all probably know each other already. This is just how they make a living—job security. You will get a better outcome versus fighting it yourself without representation. Also, get yourself a radar detector (Escort Max 360 is what I have) for future use to detect police speed traps henceforth. It’s perfectly legal everywhere in the U.S. except Mississippi, Virginia and D.C.

Kaiser Permanente oqFj61 May 1

Yup. All business for them. They know each other very well and get things sorted out amongst themselves and basically make a living off of it. Radar detector is nice, but people don't use them that much anymore. Best to just install Waze on phone and you can start getting alert of a police car miles ahead and can also help other people by reporting whenever you see a police car, in the app.