
TikTok / Meta loops

I previously took Meta loop twice and failed. The second time, I hired someone to prepare me. I did super well on half of the interviews, but sub optimal on one or two. I think overall I was close to perfection even though didn’t get hired. …one week later, I took TikTok loop. I didn’t prepare ANYTHING. I guess I was so overprepared for Meta that it was easier for me. The questions were similar to Meta and I passed everything so easily. Is the bar at TikTok that low or that is just an impression?

ex-Fidelity Investments un_emplyed May 3


ex-Fidelity Investments un_emplyed May 3

Can you share the resource you used to study..?

Meta w@tlife👽 May 4

If you are asking this question, either your bar is low or you just lucked out.. Come on @op give yourself credit, your hardwork paid. Don’t underestimate yourself !

ByteDance search for May 4

First of all, isn't Meta's loop super easy to begin with? If you're not passing Meta, you won't even pass Google's phone screen.

Microsoft Uz$ May 4

Meta loop is easy? Like how?

ByteDance search for May 4

The questions are easy and they reuse them. Usually if you do the Meta-tagged questions on Leetcode, you're good. Google strictly never uses questions that are on Leetcode.

aiml_iii May 4

TikTok doesn’t do “loops”, so your post is fake. They do consecutive Tech Screens, each several weeks apart.

haisow789 OP May 4

I did 3 consecutive rounds that’s what I mean. They were days apart. But whatever

Microsoft SLYv25 May 4

I didn't think there was much difference btw the questions asked at tiktok and meta. Meta is more opaque bc they have hiring committee so you can't get a read from your interviewer on performance. Similarly, my guess is that the bar is more uniform at meta. But, interviewing is a skill that can be practiced, so I'd fully give yourself credit for improving on subsequent interviews. Good work.