What would you anxiety levels be at if you had to go up to girls at a night club tonight?

Rule is you have to approach them as soon as you enter the club. If you get rejected by one girl you immediately have to move to the next girl.

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JPMorgan Chase VP Tushar May 3

You gotta do the needful man. Be a VP

boombox2 May 3

Because I don't care

Amazon showermore May 3

After 35, you will refuse to go out after it’s dark. Life is nice.

Amazon Fojf76 May 3

I’m like this at almost 30 and so are some of my friends

Netflix bowshamwow May 3

Probably not great, I’m married.

xMicro$oft May 3

I’m too old to care. I’m in my late 30’s and married. I could do it no problem.

funwithbli May 3

What a ridiculous way to start a relationship. If I was dared to do it and had a couple drinks. No problem. If I was really trying to stay a relationship, I would feel dumb.

Google mariano986 May 3

Isn't it what indians do anyway?

Dragos zvrq50 May 4

The great irony you learn as you get older is that the less you care what women think of you, the more interest they show.