Misc.May 4

YouTube premium on vpn

I know people used to buy YouTube premium while on vpn to take advantage of exchange rates and regional pricing. Do folks still do this? Can anyone share their experience? Tc 425

Toptal gumbot May 4

I was not aware that a single person had ever purchased this product.

Google mondayreds May 4

All my friends in India have YT premium. I am talking at least 10 people.

Google el durado May 4

Who the fuck pays for YouTube premium? Don't waste your money on it.

Matrix IFS Tensor420 May 4

I do. I watch a lot of YT videos and can't stand the ads on tv

gotothegym May 4

I've almost never used YouTube without premium since it came out. It helps to be a part of a family plan. $2 a month isn't a bad price to pay for if you use this app a lot. YT with ads is unwatchable.

Apple hNlT47 May 4

I pay for YouTube premium. It’s nice to have for the kids

Snowflake hdjrhrdbeh May 4

YouTube is not stupid .. that you can buy using vpn and they won’t realize.. when you enter your credit card information, you need to enter a zip code which validates your region and throws error saying that card is not valid for the country of purchase..

Microsoft realMinion May 4

I’ve been paying $3 per month for YouTube premium family subscription for more than a year now. Same with Netflix ($8 for the 4k plan).

Google L0o0L May 4

@Msft I know this works for YouTube, but I couldn't get this working for Netflix. Can you share how ? (Which specific VPN , do you need local card of the country you are spoofing to, and which country?)

Microsoft badsignals May 5

I hope your TC is literally $425 a year for going through these hoops to save 5 bucks

Atlassian xdroth2 May 5

Premium is worth - for watching system design videos. - for playing music videos - for playing YT Music - for Kids. They don’t want to watch ads. They start crying once the ad starts (they demonstrate the real pain of watching ads ;))

Microsoft badsignals May 5

Lol @ watching system design videos like it's a hobby.

Apple hNlT47 May 6

It’s a guilty pleasure. I sneak away from parties to watch them too