300k net worth at 26 and I feel broke

Is this a never ending chase? I feel broke with $300k $250 in equity’s $50 in cash. I’ve had a TC of $200k plus the last three years and feel like I haven’t made any money. What are my options ? Am I poor ?#

Bloomberg wev19b Apr 19

Same dude I have around 300k liquid nw same age and feel poor af.


Have enough to not think about day to day but not enough to make a big purchase of any sorts

Block livelovehi Apr 20

Why do you feel broke lol. 300k is pretty good at your age

Wayfair OuttaStock Apr 19

Put all that on the side in the S&P and 20 years later it will be about $1.2M. Next paycheck buy something nice and fun to feel some reward for the hard work till you have the next $100k saved and keep that going.

Google xQEv38 Apr 21

"Past performance is no guarantee of future results."

Lyft poowater1 Apr 23

what if something nice and fun costs 100k? one paycheck cant pay for that

Outreach noQh47 Apr 20

Yes, my dude. You are poor. I was still living with 5 roommates when I made my first 300k TC. Once I made my first million I upgraded from my 1987 Subaru to a modern BMW. I just got a slight bump last year to now TC of 1.24 million and I would say that's about when you stop feeling poor in life. Keep grinding little bro, you'll get there.

Microsoft WgLx56 Apr 22

Get off it. OP is NOT poor. Also, you sound like a douchebag.

Lyft poowater1 Apr 23


Visa WHbP02 Apr 20

how does one have 250 in equity and 50 in cash

Lyft poowater1 Apr 23

there are people that literally have 0$ in their bank account but hundreds of k in equities.

Fastly xOkF33 May 10

Same I have 7k in the bank but 100k in equity and about 600k in home equity

Microsoft WgLx56 Apr 22

You need to reestablish how you look at things. You are NOT broke and thinking you are diminishes how you view those who are truly struggling.

Lucid Motors MocKingJ@y Apr 22

I feel like it's a never ending chase. I wouldnt say youre broke, but yeah you can't do too much with 300k especially in a place where everyone makes around your TC. The fact that you feel broke is a good thing, it means you're not pretending to be rich and spending all your money on stupid shit. Keep it up and definitely invest

Capital One EUISE Apr 23

Your problem is mental illness.

Amazon hfvtw Apr 23

well you should