Misc.May 6

Anybody know of remote companies where I can work anywhere in the world?

Hey all! I'm working as a SWE at Google in nyc for 3 years since graduating but I want to travel the world for a few years in my 20s. Does anyone know of companies where I can remote from anywhere around the world? Tbh I don't care about TC. Even 80k is sufficient. Any leads would be super helpful. Thanks! TC: 280k Net worth: 400k #misc #travel #remote

Amazon WhiteWalt8 May 6

You can’t work anywhere around the world. The reason being taxation laws are different and generally anyone working within a country cannot be outside the home country where they’re taxed in beyond a certain period of time (30 days or so at max). There are companies like crossover that talk about remote jobs but the salary they offer would be governed by taxation laws of the base location.

Google boreddd12 OP May 6

I wouldn't be planning to stay on one location for too long though. I'd come back to my parents home periodically.

Amazon WhiteWalt8 May 7

So I was working in UK and had to come to India for renewal of passport (during covid , it was faster in India). I was told by my company that i can only work for 2 weeks from India and have to apply for a leave for the remaining days out of UK. So you get the drift

Block hiWgufc May 6

Like anywhere for any length of time? The issue is typically taxes I think for startups it’s possible though. I know my partners company (~100 people; VC backed) has at least one employee who galavants freely around but idk if there’s like some rules he follows about how long in each place etc

Google boreddd12 OP May 6

TIme restrictions are fine.

Coinbase bullmkt🐂 May 6

Crypto companies are generally fully remote (even internationally)

Google boreddd12 OP May 6

Any names? Tbh I'm not familiar with the crypto space. I can DM too if you uncomfortable sharing here.

Coinbase bullmkt🐂 May 6

Sure feel free to DM

VMware OopsHock May 6

Cool son. Took me 12 years to reach 500k net worth.

Red Hat ixVg4l May 6

Good for OP.

Microsoft c0vid May 6

$80k won't pay the bills in many countries. You should save more money. It's very hard to get hired. You are still a new grad. In a few years, say 3, you can quit and take a long sabbatical. Right now, the market sucks.

Google boreddd12 OP May 6

Hey man I understand your concern but I'm not planning to stay in luxury resorts. Just hostels. Everyone says "wait 3 years". Then after that the goal posts will shift and they say "wait another 3 years". By then you're in your 30s in a different stage of life. Money isn't the biggest concern for me. I'm not looking to buy a SFH.

Microsoft c0vid May 6

Hostels is not fun as an adult. You want your shit stolen and head lice and deal with people who don't like to shower? Who wants a SFH? I would never want one.

Google eiπ May 6

VPN back to your parents home so you're always "in the USA"

Meta computer3 May 6

Do you think they can ever catch on to this?

Google eiπ May 6

Only if they really care. I think most companies just want to cover their ass. At that point it's on you. They could ask your laptop for Bluetooth beacons etc., and Wi-Fi's. But you can circumvent that too with VPN router + Ethernet + Bluetooth-off.

PNC babysh@rk May 6

Remote and airbnb allows some time a year to work from anywhere

Amazon yalls' May 6

Hospitable is a rental management software company, I believe they’ve always been globally remote by design

Meta gulavadena May 6

No big company offers this flexibility. Either work for startups or You could try being a digital nomad and work as a contractor

Airbnb _kitkats_ May 6

We do. You need a strong passport though

Apple 🍎🪭boy May 6

Wdym by strong passport?

Morgan Stanley dirtyduece May 6

Xapo bank