Anyone else just absolutely hate full WFH?

I feel like a freak for saying this, but I really strongly dislike long term WFH. It just feels incredibly depressing and isolating. Granted, my office is really nice and I’m buds with my teammates. But man, I worked for like 4 years remote and can’t imagine going back. Sometimes I feel insane for not just moving to MCOL and going remote? But it just felt so bad to me, like it’s not how humans are meant to live. Can anyone relate? Tc 300ish 8 yoe

STELLA Automotive AI eok8$wq Apr 30

Depends if you have roommates spouse significant other or kids

Google lilsebastn OP Apr 30

Have a wife I love dearly and a toddler, doesn’t change anything. That being said, I get home by 530.

STELLA Automotive AI eok8$wq Apr 30

I think if I have kids life will become much easier being remote. How is it for you so far being In office ?

Smartsheet gymman Apr 30

Ya, I’m depressed working from home (4 yrs so done) isolation is real issue. It’s wonderful for people with family but terrible for single people. After a while it gets you (that for me is 4 yrs and I can’t do it anymore)

T-Mobile MBHv82 Apr 30

It depends on a lot of factors, but you can do a lot to mitigate the isolation. Pick up a hobby and join a local group, make friends outside the office, just generally get yourself out of the house and it'll feel 10X better. Factors outside your control have to do with the working environment. Some companies are really dogshit when it comes to WFH because they literally do isolate you if you aren't in person. T-Mobile is one of those companies, for anyone wondering. Some companies do it unintentionally and others do it intentionally to get you back in the office. But I love WFH. I love my family, and this gives me infinitely more time with them than if I were in the office every day. I've gotten to see all my kid's firsts, and be a really involved parent thanks to the flexible I get.

Meta YWNH63 Apr 30

Doing hybrid bay area here at Meta. Dm to interview.

eBay rMOV12 Apr 30

Lets swap

Datadog yvji81 Apr 30

I love the location flexibility, but agree that in a normal week I much prefer to go into the office to do work. Just wish I could take the office to Costa Rica with me!

Applied Materials tetepepe Apr 30

I don’t like working from home, thus I go to the office. I can concentrate more and once 5 o clock hits then I’m out. I don’t care if I go there and I need to join a teams meeting. It works for me to go to the office and I somewhat enjoy the commute and I like to socialize with some people onsite, even if I don’t care on what plans you have for the weekend. Having said that, I also understand some people might prefer work from home. In your case, I will either go to the library and reserve a room. Maybe try to get a wework, not sure if those exists anymore. Or find a way to get direct sunlight in your office and face towards the street. So that you know there is life outside. WFH gave me social anxiety so I understand somewhat your position, so now I go onsite. Just find what works for you and have a balance.

ByteDance xnxx420 Apr 30

Full remote isn't for everyone. Personally, I liked being able to spend more time with my wife, who was also working fully remotely. When I was fully remote, I was eating lunch with her every day and enjoying breaks during the day walking my dog or drinking coffee with my wife. My sleep and fitness improved because I used morning commute time for sleep and evening commute time for workout. I live in a highly walkable neighborhood in San Francisco, and I enjoyed eating lunch every Friday at one of the many neighborhood joints. During my years being fully remote, I never got to know my coworkers on a deep level. But we did get together in person once per quarter, which certainly helped. My social sphere was entirely outside of work and that was okay with me. To make it work long term, you need a solid non-work social sphere, someone to spend time with at home (unless you're totally introverted), and clear boundaries about when it's "work time" and when it's "personal time".

PSW DogLover; Apr 30

I like WFH as I get to have lunch with my wife (also WFH) and we watch some streaming together while we eat or discuss weekend/travel plans. I go into the office once a week now and it's nice to see colleagues and catch up. Working together is better in person. The mentoring aspect just feels different when I'm talking with junior engineers.

Thumbtack sessioner Apr 30

Im going crazy working from home