Biden cancelling student loan debt. Why?

and my taxes are paying for it.

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Amazon IVY55 Apr 29

Buydem 2024

Apple HaddHaiBC Apr 29

Campaigning stunt

Meta ofnebgsimf Apr 29

Corrupted system allows him buying votes like this

Google acid party Apr 29

i mean duh. free money, plz vote. and when the only alternative is a different kind of scam artist, you can see why democracy is garbage. beats everything else though, look who's got all the monaaaay 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💲💲💲

elon_mush May 2

It’s capitalism that gives the money. Democracy is trash. Look at Singapore, an authoritarian capitalist system. China also did drastically better when they adopted the free market. I don’t care for democracy. As long as they are not introducing more regulations to restrict capitalism, we will continue to prosper

PayPal techCog Apr 29

It’s an attempt to set things right. It’s well documented that the skyrocketing costs of college are driven largely by cuts in government support for education. In the past, the federal and state governments supported universities so much that tuition was affordable. With massive cuts in education, tuition skyrocketed, and the current generation was saddled with an unprecedented level of debt and burden far beyond previous generations. This is an imperfect after the fact attempt to give people a chance to get an education and move on and have a chance to build a life.

Apple HaddHaiBC Apr 29

Yes, state should have funded my 100k tuition for my gender studies degree.

Rubrik lkgukg Apr 29

Where are they sending those massive cuts to?

Indeed LT83oa Apr 29

I'd rather they buy votes via policy that genuinely helps individuals who might need help like student loan forgiveness rather than buying votes via gigantic tax cuts for wealthy people personally

Google Prbw07 May 2

What does this have to do with "people who didn't try hard enough"? It's for people who were scammed by a for-profit school.

Confluent ndjakdieh May 3

@block just because a policy doesn’t benefit you doesn’t mean your getting fucked. I’m sure some government policy has helped you and didn’t help other people. Did those other people get fucked? Or did you just get help. No one with a high earning degree is getting their loans paid off. It’s mostly people who got scammed by a school or people who signed their life away without proper education and finally have a breadth of free air.

Jacobs glvsnost Apr 29

he is a c*nt for that. i worked my a** off to pay my loans back.

Apple HaddHaiBC Apr 29

This is how ppl lose the incentive to work hard in a socialist society!

Amazon LigmaJass Apr 29

Socialism is cancer. Read Murray Rothbard to find out why.

LinkedIn I am a Cat Apr 29

Democrats like to buy votes with your money.

Dell fubar baz Apr 29

I’m far more keen on just adjusting interest rates on loans to the prime federal rate and backdating that interest for all existing loans. Too many people have taken out $100k loans and ended up paying back well over double that. Shit… just make student loans more like a mortgage - the compounding effect in interest capitalization is closer to credit cards than it is other simple-interest loans (like a mortgage or car note). Just reducing/removing the compounding effect as it is would make payments more stable and predictable while removing the bullshit many borrowers face of significant compounding through capitalization - basing interest calculations simply on principal, rather than the current bullshit of principal+interest.

Microsoft UBjV15 Apr 29

They should have just given a flat amount to everyone. Those who worked to pay off their debts or buckled down on their spending don’t get rewarded.