PetsApr 23

Can I file a claim with the Vet’s malpractice insurance company?

I believe I have a vet negligence and malpractice case that led to the death of my dog, and I want to file a claim against the vet’s malpractice insurance directly. Is this something I can do myself directly? Thank you in advance

Salesforce LimeyCinna Apr 23

Pets for legal purposes are considered to have minimal value. If a pet is killed in accident or damaged by vet then most you get is market price for the pet back. Sometimes you can get what you spent on care back -,that%20amount%20exceeds%20market%20value.

quiksprint OP Apr 23

Thanks for sharing the resource, unfortunately the vet isn’t willing to work with providing even a partial refund :/

Microsoft gambling Apr 23

A refund will not bring your pet back to life

Microsoft OMSI11 Apr 23

I don’t have experience with this personally, but you might have better luck working with the vet 1:1. They can refund all your treatment costs over the years for example, which is more than you would get via legal channels. I’m in the midst of a legal malpractice case right now, and if I weren’t in a state where the lawyer being sued had to pay my legal costs, no way it would be worth it

quiksprint OP Apr 23

The vet said she feels 100% confident they didn’t do anything wrong, despite not addressing my specific concerns via email. She then said she’s not going to engage anymore and will only talk over the phone. Is your malpractice case around a vet ? And are you based in WA?

Meta Lavontay Apr 23

You still haven’t explained what you’re accusing your Vet of doing

Stripe prowskibar Apr 23

Get a lawyer and pay 50% of the settlement amount . Thats how this works in good old USA

Hubspot Hubbut Apr 23

I would try small claims court. You don't need a lawyer and depending on the damages you're seeking, your local threshold may cover everything. If they lose and have to pay, they'll probably take it out of their insurance anyway.