Does anyone else experience horrible gas in the office?

I have tried gasX, herbal tea, and nothing. My body will only expel gas when I get home. I literally have to go up 2 belt notches throughout the day. Tc 130

SAP bfsBiscuit Apr 12

Activated charcoal capsules are miraculous

Garena gKtY45 Apr 12

I have chronic IBS and it's a struggle everyday. Sitting at the same place isn't good for me. So I would take regular walks around the office. Also started eating a lot of greek yogurt, which seem to help a lot. I discovered stress is a huge factor so I'm going through hypnotherapy right now.

SAP bfsBiscuit Apr 12

Try kefir and kombucha as well for gut health. Have you tried probiotics supplements

Garena gKtY45 Apr 12

Have tried several probiotic pills, none have worked so far. I've heard good things about kefir. May try it. Thanks

Qualcomm ee310s Apr 12

Seems like you are eating junk in office that's causing gas and making you feel bloated. Cook at home and take food to office and see if that makes a difference

Capital One lfbe463 Apr 12

What does your first look like?

Capital One skqX05 Apr 12

Maybe start on a good probiotic and avoid having spicy food and foods that make you bloated. More importantly speak with your pcp for a gastroenterologist referral.

Google Josh Hart Apr 12

GasX and mint tea are for bloating. They won't help if the gas is forming in your intestines (i.e. fart). It's probably what you're eating before or during the workday.

Egen dvshuwhdks Apr 12

Try enema monthly once

Oracle hbvz6@ Apr 12

Do you mean you constantly fart or what ? That’s shouldn’t be your problem, but the people around you.

PayPal SJVk47 Apr 12

Did you consult gastroenterologist? I guess you are more interested in Blind responses than medically treating your condition. Your condition is most likely due to not having regular bowl movement. Eat lot of vegetables during dinner. In the morning eat bran cereal and then glass of warm water. Give some time to build pressure(browsing Blind posts off course. Doing same right now!). Most people specially Gen Z thinks bowl movement should be automatic. But it’s all based on timing. If you train your body to have bowl movement in the morning, you will never have these issues. Time to go for me😄