Funding my early-stage business

I'm looking for investors / early stage capital for my new business. And when I say early stage, I mean I have a business plan and not much else. Yet. I need to leave my current job to start this. I'm looking at grants, but if anyone has ideas about where and how to find investors - angel investors, seed funding - please share. Not looking for loans - plenty of those out there. Here's to quitting soon to begin my new business! #angelinvestor #seedfunding #earlystagecapital

Triomics tempuserlo Apr 19

Good luck man, if you want me to help you build the product let me know.

Addepar h864fX Apr 19

Don't quit your job, start building and get customer feedback first. Even if it's feedback on wireframes in a deck, or signups to a wait-list - show that _someone_ out there will say "shut up and take my money." Pick up Parker's _Trajectory_ and do the pre-work to validate your Idea before you quit.

ex-Meta crusades Apr 19

Damn wish I’d read that